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Turinox Malay Tiger 10 mg/tab 50 tabs

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Brand: Malay Tiger
Reviews: 7
Specifications: (See all)
Туринабол в таблетках
Price per
50 таб
Recommended duration of the cycle
6 недель
Trade name
Full withdrawal (start PCT through)
через 1.5 суток

Turinox Malay Tiger 10 mg: High-Quality Oral Anabolic Steroid


Turinox by Malay Tiger is a premium oral anabolic steroid containing 10 mg of turinabol per tablet. Turinabol, also known as 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, is highly favored by athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts for its ability to promote lean muscle gains, enhance strength, and improve overall performance without significant water retention. Known for its mild yet effective properties, Turinox is particularly effective in both bulking and cutting cycles, helping users achieve a balanced and muscular physique.

What is Turinabol?

Turinabol is an anabolic steroid derived from dianabol (methandrostenolone), modified to reduce androgenic effects while maintaining anabolic properties. This makes it a popular choice for those looking to achieve steady muscle growth without significant risk of androgenic side effects. It is commonly used to increase lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and support overall well-being.

Benefits of Turinox

Promotes Lean Muscle Gains

Turinox helps increase lean muscle mass without significant water retention, leading to a harder and more defined muscular appearance. This makes it particularly beneficial during both bulking and cutting cycles.

Enhances Strength and Performance

Turinabol is well-known for its ability to enhance strength and overall athletic performance. Users often experience improved power, endurance, and stamina, allowing them to train harder and achieve better results.

Minimal Estrogenic Side Effects

Turinabol does not aromatize into estrogen, meaning users are less likely to experience estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. This makes Turinabol a safer option for many users.

Improved Muscle Hardness and Vascularity

Turinabol is highly effective at improving muscle hardness and vascularity, giving users a more chiseled and vascular appearance, which is particularly desirable in competitive bodybuilding.

How to Use Turinox

Dosage Recommendations

For men, a common dosage of Turinox is 20-50 mg per day, divided into two or three doses. For women, a lower dosage of 5-10 mg per day is usually recommended to minimize the risk of virilization.


Turinox is administered orally in tablet form. Here’s how to properly use it:

  1. Dosage Timing :

    • Split the daily dosage into two or three doses to maintain stable blood levels.

    • Take the tablets with or without food, based on personal preference and gastrointestinal comfort.

  2. Cycle Length :

    • Typical cycles last 6-8 weeks for both men and women. Longer cycles should be approached with caution to avoid potential side effects.

Safety and Side Effects

While Turinox is generally well-tolerated, it is essential to use it responsibly to avoid potential side effects. Common side effects may include:

  • Mild Acne

  • Increased Body Hair Growth

  • Mood Changes

  • Joint Pain

More serious side effects can include liver strain, changes in cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular issues. To mitigate these risks, users should follow recommended dosages and cycle lengths, monitor their body's response, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting turinabol, especially if they have any pre-existing medical conditions.


Turinox should not be used by individuals who:

  • Have liver or kidney disease

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Have a history of cardiovascular issues

  • Are allergic to turinabol or any other ingredients in the product

Combining Turinox with Other Compounds

Turinox can be effectively combined with other anabolic steroids to enhance its effects. It is commonly stacked with testosterone-based compounds during bulking cycles to maximize muscle gains and strength. During cutting cycles, it can be combined with non-aromatizing steroids like Winstrol or Masteron to preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.


Turinox 10 mg by Malay Tiger is a high-quality turinabol product that offers significant benefits for lean muscle gains, strength enhancement, and overall performance. Its effectiveness in both bulking and cutting cycles and minimal estrogenic side effects make it a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders.

By incorporating Turinox into your fitness regimen, you can achieve a more defined and muscular physique while enhancing your athletic performance. Whether you're preparing for a competition or aiming to improve your overall fitness, Turinox provides a reliable and effective solution for your anabolic needs.

Commercial profile
Туринабол в таблетках
Price per
50 таб
Trade name
Malay Tiger
Trade name
Country of manufacture
100 tab
Concentration of the active substance
10 mg/tab
Box / instruction
Expiry date
Steroid profile
16 часов
Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis
The maximum concentration in the blood plasma through
3 часа
Method of reception
внутрь (в таблетках)
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
не ароматизируется
Detection time (doping control)
250 дней
Anabolic activity in % of testosterone
Androgenic activity % of testosterone
Active substance
Liver toxicity
Usage guidelines
Recommended duration of the cycle
6 недель
Full withdrawal (start PCT through)
через 1.5 суток
Use by women
с осторожностью, не более 5-10 мг/сутки
Recommended dosage for beginners
40 мг/день
5 / 5
average product rating
07 september (09:46)
Використовував Туринокс і залишився задоволений результатом. Препарат працює як треба – дає хороший приріст сухої м'язової маси без зайвих "водяних" накопичень. Під час курсу відчув значне збільшення витривалості та сили, що особливо допомогло на тренуваннях.
Що стосується побічних ефектів, їх не було помітно, при дозуванні в 30мг. Все пройшло без проблем.
Я помітив помітні результати вже через кілька тижнів, тому точно можу рекомендувати його тим, хто хоче збільшити суху масу і силу.
05 september 2023 (07:48)
Хороший, рабочий туринабол по адекватной цене
18 july 2023 (10:00)
Кто ищет качественный и не дорогой туринабол, рекомендую.
03 july 2023 (15:26)
Оригинальный и рабочий туринабол. За курс +5 кг.
На курсе не заливало. Побочек не было. Рекомендую.
15 february 2023 (20:15)
Наверное лучший туринабол что я пробовал. Рекомендую.
Answers & questions
29 june 2023 (12:19)

Сколько туринокса нужно на курс для первого раза?


Рекомендуемая продолжительность курса туриноксом 6 недель.
В среднем, для атлета весом в 80-90 кг, нужно принимать 40 мг., в день (4 таблетки).
Поэтому на курс нужно 168 таб.
Препарат продается поблистерно. В блистере 50 таб. Поэтому вы можете приобрести 150 или 200 таб.
Естественно, что вы вы можете сделать продолжительность курсе несколько больше или короче, вложившись в купленное количество препарата.

24 june 2023 (10:44)

Туринабол от Малай Тайгер у вас оригинал?


Да, Туринабол Малай Тайгер у нас оригинал. Как и все остальные товары. На каждой упаковке есть код для проверки товара на подлинность на официальном сайте производителя

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Turinox Malay Tiger 10 mg/tab 50 tabs
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