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ANDARINE (S – 4) 25mg 60 caps

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ANDARINE, also known as S-4, provided in 25 mg dosages, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known for its ability to significantly improve muscle mass and overall physical strength without the severe side effects typically associated with anabolic steroids. ANDARINE is popular among bodybuilders and athletes for both bulking and cutting cycles, thanks to its balanced profile in promoting muscle growth while aiding in fat reduction.

- **Muscle Mass and Strength Gains:** ANDARINE is effective in increasing lean muscle mass and strength, making it useful for those looking to enhance physical performance and body composition.
- **Fat Reduction:** It helps decrease body fat by improving the body's ability to oxidize fat tissue, which is particularly beneficial during cutting phases.
- **Bone Strength:** ANDARINE has shown potential benefits in increasing bone mineral density, which can be crucial for athletes prone to injuries.

- **Enhanced Athletic Performance:** Increases in muscle strength and endurance allow for more effective workouts and better performance in physical activities.
- **Improved Muscle Recovery:** S-4 can help speed up recovery times, reducing the risk of overtraining and allowing for more frequent training sessions.
- **Visibility of Muscle Details:** Due to its potential for reducing body fat and water retention, ANDARINE can enhance the visibility of muscle details, which is highly valued during pre-competition phases.

**Dosage and Administration:**
- The typical dosage range for ANDARINE is 25-75 mg per day. Due to its relatively short half-life, doses are often split into two to three administrations per day to maintain stable blood levels.
- Cycle lengths usually run from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the user's goals and experience with SARMs.

**Cycle Recommendations:**
- ANDARINE can be used alone or stacked with other SARMs such as Ostarine for enhanced muscle preservation or Cardarine for improved stamina and fat loss.
- It is particularly favored during cutting cycles to maintain muscle mass while reducing calories.

- Possible side effects include mild testosterone suppression, which may necessitate a post-cycle therapy (PCT) depending on the length and dosage of the cycle.
- Some users report temporary changes in vision, such as difficulty adjusting to night vision or a yellow tint, particularly at higher doses.
- Regular monitoring of liver enzymes and lipid profiles is advisable due to potential impacts on liver health and cholesterol levels.

**Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):**
- Although less suppressive than traditional anabolic steroids, a PCT regimen may still be recommended to ensure a return to natural hormone levels, especially after longer or higher-dose cycles.

ANDARINE (S-4) is a versatile SARM that offers the benefits of anabolic enhancements without many of the side effects associated with more potent steroids. This makes it a popular choice for users looking to gain muscle and lose fat with reduced risk of side effects. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new drug regimen, especially one involving hormonal modulators like SARMs.

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ANDARINE (S – 4) 25mg 60 caps